Coaching provides a non-judgemental, safe space for clients to gain perspective, clarity and focus and self-reflection
Coaching is a collaborative relationship between a coach and a coachee, focused on supporting the coachee in achieving specific personal or professional goals. It provides clarity on what individuals aspire to accomplish in their personal and professional lives, while also emphasizing the importance of embracing change. Through coaching, individuals can take control of their circumstances and hold themselves accountable for the necessary steps towards their goals. It offers valuable insight into their hopes, concerns, beliefs, and values. Additionally, coaching introduces new perspectives, boosts confidence levels, helps individuals recognize their skills and imperfections, understand their behaviours, and unlock their potential.
Ultimately, coaching assists individuals in designing the right path for themselves to develop, grow, and move forward.
Coaching sessions are a personalised and highly individualised approach to helping individuals achieve their goals. My sessions aim to provide a constructive and supportive environment where my clients can discuss their thoughts, feelings, and challenges. My coaching sessions aim to offer a transformative experience by offering an exclusive and private space that is conducive to personal growth and development. By focusing solely on my client’s individual needs and goals, I work together with my clients to design a plan that is tailored to their unique needs and abilities. This one-on-one approach ensures that my client receives the attention and focus necessary to achieve their desired outcomes. Plus, working with me creates a dynamic, collaborative, and proactive relationship between the client and myself, leading to more significant progress and real success!
My interest in coaching initially came from the decision to work on myself! In 2016 I embarked on a personal development journey where I gained my first qualification in coaching. I loved the idea of pursuing my own goals, becoming more self-aware, uncovering my self-limiting beliefs which were holding me back and working on designing the right path for myself to develop, grow and move forward. I believe when you engage in constant growth, it keeps life interesting and it enhances your skillset and mindset. Being a coach, I always try to stay authentic and true to myself, for I believe living authentically is what coaching is all about!
My mission is to empower individuals to achieve personal and professional goals.
I am passionate about helping people to reach their goals, live a more fulfilling life and empower them to live the life they aspire to
When working with people I realise the complexities of what they face on a daily basis. If you want to bring your best self to the table you need to be honest with yourself, recognize your imperfections, embrace change, keep planning and moving forward, enhance your knowledge and skills and engage in constant growth. Coaching is not just a quick fix, it enables lasting change
It is my job as a coach to help people bring direction and structure, thus enabling them to move through change in a more effective, successful and supportive way.
What has become visible for me during coaching practice is that the majority of people are looking for one thing collectively and that is ‘change’. But it is a distinct type of change. What I have noticed, is what clients are actually looking for, is getting clarity and gaining an understanding on what they needed to do in order to take the first step to enable and facilitate that change. For some it is about building their awareness, their commitment and consequently their self-belief, for others it is around having the courage and strength to make that change. I have seen the exceptional results clients get when they choose to take that leap. Coaching provides a space for people to re-evaluate their existing values, beliefs, behaviours etc., and take the necessary steps to initiate and facilitate positive change. Remember it is important to never stop self-development, one should always continue working on themselves